Commercial Law is an important branch of law, which is examined under three headings: commercial business law, negotiable instruments law and corporate law. This branch of law, which regulates the entire commercial life and tries to keep it under control, is the lifeblood of commercial life.
In this branch of law, ATD Law provides its clients with commercial enterprise, transfer of commercial enterprises, agency, portfolio compensation, trademark, unfair competition, ordinary partnership, trading companies, real person traders, joint stock companies, limited liability companies, cooperatives, preparation and holding of general assemblies, board of directors. It provides services for meetings, preparation of articles of association, amendment, merger, division and acquisition of commercial companies, capital increase and decrease, responsibility of board members, resolution of disputes between partners, board of directors in limited partnerships and termination and revival of all capital companies.
Especially within the scope of our office, by making the preparations for the general assemblies, holding the general assemblies, and attending the meetings both by proxy and together with the principals as a consultant, annulment case and invalidity case are filed in favor of the clients after the general assemblies and the cases are concluded in favor of the clients.
All these services are carried out separately by our office as attorneyship or consultancy services. Our experienced lawyer team has been fighting for the right and the just for three generations. Our team on Commercial Law also continues its academic studies and has articles in Turkey’s reputable law journals and the bar association’s journals. In this context, our law firm works with Turkey’s leading experienced academics in the resolution of all these disputes.